QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
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The following is a list of features added for each version since
HyperLog was first released in 1990. The latest is at the top.
Program revisions:
2.25 Added ability to input a name for the Packet
capture file name.
Added a lot more functionality to the conversion
window and made it much easier to use.
Added popup info screen if you try to print a single
label during contact entry but have Laser selected
as your printer (Lasers ONLY print sheets of labels).
2.24(2) Modified print action for all labels to improve
registration. Modified 5160 setup so it prompts
for label number if using Ink Jet or Dot Matrix
setting as well as prompts for test label print.
2.24 Added ability to print on "standard" Laser/Ink Jet
size labels (1" X 2 5/8" - Avery 5160). See "Label
Type" option now in SETUP.EXE.
Added a toggle to inhibit the Un-blanking of the display
both when blanked automatically OR manually when a DX
Spot you need arrives. See new toggle in SETUP.EXE under
the "Blanker" field.
2.23C Maintenance release only.
2.23B Added ability to select either overwrite or append
for Packet capture to file function. Added function
to "Un-Blank" screen when spot arrives and is a
needed country/state. Added new prefixs for MJ Island,
Franz Joseph Land and Antarctica (Russia). Fixed
several problems.
2.23A Maintenance release.
2.23 Added "NONE" to country pick list for logging contacts
that don't necessarily belong to a country or state.
Re-worded all country and state names in the country
file for consistancy.
Added support for QRZ CD-ROM callsign database
Added support for Ten-Tec OMNI V radio. Dropped support
for Heath SS9000.
Modified "Set Frequency" function so it sets the frequency
ONLY; not the frequency AND mode.
Added SETUP option for automatic screen blanking
2.22E(1) Added Icom 970 to supported radio listing.
2.22E Added ability to specify a filename for the reports
to print to. This also required a change to the
report browser to allow a filename to be entered. The
default is still REPORT.TXT, but you will need to hit
a carriage return to use it now at the prompt.
Added more error checking for low memory conditions
and added a CRC check of HYPERLOG.OVR to aid in detecting
a corrupted file.
2.22D Modified QSL Sent so you can insert ANY character in
the field to mean whatever you want it to. For instance,
you might want to use a $ sign to indicate you send
a "Green Stamp". You still have to use an "L" to tell
HyperLog to print labels later on, however, and when
the Label prints, HyperLog will change the "L" into a
"Y" as it has been doing.
Reworked Packet F3 Key transmit function to put the data
in the buffer rather than transmit it directly to
the COM port. Also, F3 now writes to the xmit buffer
Opened up filter so ASCII characters higher than decimal
126 are allowed to be displayed in Packet Window.
Modified Full Screen Packet exit procedure to restore
scroll and interface so TNC buffer won't fill up and
dump you out of a connection if you forget to "unscroll"
before leaving full screen window.
2.22C Added ability to use lower case commands and control
characters to the Packet Speed Keys. You can also now
put multiple commands in each speed key by entering a
command, press CTL M, enter another command, press CTL M
Added code to force an update of the time when leaving
the large packet screen.
Expanded backspace capability in order to backspace
backspace a full line for corrections in all modes.
2.22B Changed the CQ file for Pactor and Packet. For Pactor
use CQTOR.TXT. Set up CQ file for Packet. Use the
file name CQPAC.TXT for this mode. Upgraded
Documentation to reflect Pactor mode. Upgraded help file
also to reflect Pactor mode. Upgraded radio SetMode to
handle Pactor. Changed colors of Xmit Buffer Window for
LCD and B&W monitors to better show the window limits.
2.22A Fixed problems in 2.22. Updated ZS lookup per latest
ARRL Country listing.
2.22 Added ability to select the various Digital modes from
full screen Packet Window. Press F1 while in the window
to see the new commands. Also, added keys to tell TNC to
go into Xmit, Receive and send an "Over". Added ability
for user to modify or add to Digital Mode selection by
creating a .INI file for each mode desired. See the
manual under Packet operations. Added new sorting when
Country Contacts is ON. Now sorts display in this mode
by Call+Date+Time. Added new field named "Daylight Savings
Time" to SETUP to properly handle Daylight Savings Time
near 0 degrees longitude. Added new SETUP field named
"Time Offset" to overide HyperLog's UTC calculations for
areas of the world where the "Time Zone" doesn't follow
Longitude. Modified Zone popup for Antarctica so it
defaults to Zone 12 and puts a message up on the screen
notifying you to edit the contact if necessary to modify
the default 12. Added option to send or not send a
carriage return after the packet speed keys. You will have
to go into SETUP and open the speed key window to modify
your current "Speed Keys" to work properly. Added
prompt to control whether HyperLog sets the Radio to FSK
or LSB mode when a digital mode is selected. Added field
in SETUP to tell HyperLog what TNC you are using to control
the new digital mode selection. Reworked transmit buffer
so it works properly with digital modes other than Packet.
Added color to Xmit buffer section. Added speed and mode
indicators on line 25 of the full screen packet window.
Removed code causing TNC to occasionally lock up. Added
option to send just spots or send all received data to
printer. Added ability to upload a user specified file.
Also, a key sequence is available to send a "Brag" file
and "CQ" files. See HYPERLOG.DOC for details. Straightened
out 7O and 4W countries. Made several other country
2.21 Expanded Scroll-back buffer to 300 lines, added file
capture for Packet data, Expanded "Speed" keys to
18 of 60 characters each, added SETUP option to select
1, 2 or 3 BUFFERED packet transmit lines to assist
in using all digital modes. TNC is now checked for all
required options rather than automatically setting it
regardless of existing settings. Added comments to the
Spot Picklist. Make SURE you read the Packet section
in HYPERLOG.DOC for operation of additional features.
Added ability to update the QSL Received status of a
contact by going into the Full Screen Browser or in
the Edit window, highligh the contact and then press
F5. Modified auto-jump to signal report field so that
HyperLog HyperLog
a callsign entered that is 3 characters or less will
not trigger a jump to the Sent field UNLESS it is a
"Recognized" three letter callsign (ie. JY1). Also,
SAM or BuckMaster will not be triggered into lookup
mode if the callsign is less than four characters and
the callsign isn't a "Recognized" one. Added ability
for HyperLog to tell where it was started from even if
you rename the HYPERLOG.EXE file to another name for
your convenience and then operate in a directory other
than the HyperLog directory.
2.20 Expanded both the small and large Packet screens to a
full 80 column width. The Packet system also now
displays each character when it is received rather than
buffer until a line is complete. ADDED PACKET SCROLL-
BACK BUFFER - 200 LINES! Scroll back operates with arrow
keys and page up/page down keys. The Home key will take
you back to the current line when scrolled. Added a
printer toggle (ALT P) in the full screen Packet window
to allow spots to be printed on the local printer. Added
a toggle to turn on/off the Packet Bell. Expanded the
full screen Packet window vertically by removing the
window header. Press F1 in the program to see the new
Added a database lookup for SAM/BuckMaster that you can
popup and query a callsign with (Shift-F3). It displays
all data returned.
Reworked the Buckmaster data extraction to work-around
several inconsistancies in the Buckmaster file system.
2.19 Skipped this version number.
2.18C Added ability to send more than one line of characters
without sending a carriage return in the full screen
packet window. This lets "Talk" messages be as long
as the TNC is set for in PACLEN.
2.18B Fixed problems with previous contact display, bleed-
thru on full packet screen, "encrypted" dbase export,
and others.
2.18A Fixed several problems with the BuckMaster interface,
Dx Spots, dBase III export, and K1EA Field Day import
2.18 Added BuckMaster CD-ROM support for US, Canadian,
US Territory and international Ham Callsigns.
Added ability to assign additional prefixes to
countries. (ALT U option "E").
HyperLog HyperLog
Fixed long running problem with K1EA import intermittantly
locking up the system.
Added feature to allow you to add a suffix to your
registered callsign for portable operation or packet
Added country E3, Eritrea to country database.
2.17C Added 4N5 prefix for Macedonia.
Fixed problems with label printing, country corruption
from logging spot, "cosmetics" using delete with big
screen, Malta Bases showing NONE for country on Exports.
2.17 Fixed several problems with P5, North Korea.
2.16F Added new Czech and Slovakia countries as well as
P5 for North Korea. These are NOT considered valid
from the ARRL yet so if you do NOT want them to add
to the total country count, edit them and set the
DELETED field to Y. You will NOT have access to them
if you set deleted to a Y, however.
I made several modifications to the K1EA import utility.
It will read the frequency if you used a K1EA supported
radio and will now use the state/canada abbreviations
if the contest supported it. I also fixed a band import
problem caused by K1EA's lack of putting band info in
his band field for single band contests.
2.16E Added the new Yugoslavian countries to the database.
2.16A Added ability to tell HyperLog to use the new K1EA
file structure or the old one to process .BIN files.
If you start HyperLog by typing HYPERLOG K1EAOLD
HyperLog will process the K1EA files using the OLD
data structure prior to K1EA version 8. If you
start HyperLog by typing HYPERLOG K1EANEW it will
use the new version 8 data structure. This switch
was necessary as I haven't a clue when K1EA changed
his data structure. His header file doesn't mention
the version where he switched, just says 8. I have
reports saying some version 8 files apparently use
the old data structure. This switch should handle the
2.16 Added function to "fill in" Qth field when it is
blank and ALT U #5 is run. This will fill in the
QTH with the country/state name.
Added Icom 728 and 729 support. Flagged radio menu
for Ten-Tec Omni VI (same as Icom 735).
HyperLog HyperLog
2.15 Added support for K1EA version 8.
Modified delay calculations to better handle 486/50
machines and faster.
Adjusted time calculations for East longitudes.
Jumping to Spot now set Country window data.
Added VE0 to popup list.
2.14D Added detection for insufficient memory to start
and operate HyperLog. Now gives message rather than
error code as before.
2.14 08/08/92 - Updated SAM interface to handle new SAM
update which adds Canadian call to the database.
Now allow frequency to be entered as 7.23 instead of
7.2300. Automatic zero fill.
Added USA as country default when WAS in SETUP is set
to N and you enter a US callsign.
Added Monitor prompt in SETUP to replace LCD prompt.
Monitor will allow you to select COLOR, B&W, or LCD.
This will allow better color mapping for B&W and LCD
displays. This will default to COLOR.
Added current date to all report print functions.
2.13 07/12/92 - Added ability to set Packet port for a
specific address and interrupt number.
Allow packet notification (beep) to happen when you
are viewing a report.
You can now enter a frequency without entering the
decimal point. Be sure to enter the complete freq-
uency, however. Put in 21202 for 21.202 and 7245
for 7.245. HyperLog will do the best it can to de-
termine what you input.
Added import for DXbase 2.0. HyperLog now imports
all DXbase versions to date.
2.12 07/08/92 - Added LCD Display prompt in SETUP to
better display some colors on LCD screens. Select Y
if you have an LCD display.
HyperLog HyperLog
Added support for the Yaesu 890 radio.
Changed the way portable calls are entered. Due to
popular demand, I have now removed the restriction
that required you to enter portable callsigns in the
ITU fashion (portable prefix/home call). I now leave
it up to you. In SETUP, you will find a new field
titled "Swap Port". Setting this field to a Y will
tell HyperLog that you are entering your portable
calls using the style "Home Call/Portable Prefix" as
in "AH8B/W4". Setting this field to a N tells
HyperLog that you want to use the ITU convention of
"Portable prefix/Home Call" as in "W4/AH8B". Hyper-
Log doesn't enforce the manner in which you enter
the call. This field just tells HyperLog how to in-
terpret it. If you enter it contrary to the way you
said you were, then HyperLog won't be able to ascer-
tain the country/state properly.
To go along with this change, I have added a command
line parameter that will swap the current style of
portable callsigns in your entire database. If you
start HyperLog by typeing HYPERLOG SWAPPORTABLE,
then run the Rebuild Qsl Stats utility (ALT U #5),
HyperLog will scan your entire database and swap
EVERY portable callsign it finds. In other words,
if you have entered your portable calls up to now as
"Portable Prefix/Home Call" (W4/AH8B), they will be
changed to "Home Call/Portable Prefix" (AH8B/W4).
I also am changing the content of the CHANGES.DOC
file (this file!). Beginning with ver 2.12, this
file will contain a list of ONLY the features added
for each version, not bug fixes.
2.11 06/29/92 - Added code to automatically change the CQ
Zone to the new one if you change the country a con-
tact is "tagged" to while in Edit Mode.
4U1ITU, 4U1UN and all PY0's are now identified by
callsign and do not require the user to select from
a list.
Added a feature to automatically run a TNC file at
shutdown if desired. If you create a text file like
the TNCSETUP.INI file, name it TNCDOWN.INI, it will
be run at shutdown of HyperLog and any TNC commands
within it will be sent to the TNC.
Added the ability to update the name, address, and
QTH fields using SAM database callsign information
HyperLog HyperLog
(if you have it) of your ENTIRE database if desired.
To run, start HyperLog using the command HYPERLOG
SAMUPDATE. Use all CAPS for the parameter SAMUPDATE
or it won't run. If SAM is present and loaded, you
will see a window popup and inform you of progress
through the database. When it finishes, ALL contacts
found in SAM will have been updated with the SAM in-
formation in the Name, QTH, and Address1 fields.
When changing a callsign in Edit Mode, if the SAM
database is online, the Name, Address and Qth fields
will be updated automatically. Also, there is a new
key sequence that will force a SAM lookup to update
the above fields for the current call. This key
sequence is ALT L.
The K1EA conversion utility and conversion of DXbase
data is now built into HyperLog. The Utility menu
has been modified to reflect this change. Item C is
now labeled IMPORT dBase, K1EA, & DXbase. Upon se-
lection, it will open up another window allowing you
to select the type import - dBase, K1EA or DXbase.
Added the ability to run a .BAT file from the Gray-
line Exec. (ALT G)
Changed specific russian names to new ones (ES, LY,
YL, etc.) and modified some prefixes to correspond
with the ARRL list. Fixed spelling errors with some
Put in code to allow user to press any key and be
offered option to abort once import starts from any
of the Imports HyperLog does (dBase, DXbase or K1EA).
Eliminated "Press any key to continue" on first
screen for REGISTERED users. First screen is now on
one second delay for them. Unregistered users still
see press message.
Also, beginning with 2.12, HyperSoft's BBS Update
files will ONLY be available to Registered Users.
Unregistered users will still be able to download
the current release, but will not have access to in-
terim fixes, any Alpha or Beta test versions or
other files that HyperSoft determines should be
"Registered User Only". Consequently, interim fixes
have been moved to library 2.
HyperLog HyperLog
2.10 05/16/92 - Moved all Packet initialization code out
of HyperLog and into the TNCSETUP.INI file which is
now included in the archive.
When you delete a contact, the highlite bar leaves
you in the same area of the database rather than
returning to the first contact as before.
Added SAM callsign database support. If you have the
SAM database from RT Systems, copy SAMAPI.EXE from
disk 1 to your hard disk and load it with the
the command SAMAPI d:\xxx where d: is the drive you
have the SAM database installed on and the xxx is
the directory name (usually SAM) where SAM is
installed. This might look like - SAMAPI C:\SAM.
Once loaded, HyperLog will access SAM and extract
Name, QTH and State for all U.S. and U.S. territory
calls. SAMAPI MUST be loaded for HyperLog to find
the database. You should put it in your Autoexec.bat.
Reversed order of Spot display. Now displays the
most recent spot first.
Added the country name to each spot in the packet
"Spot" list (F7).
Enabled "Database Filtering". See the manual section
on "DataBase Browser" for more information.
Added "Confirm" option to SETUP to allow a contact
to be entered without the prompt asking "Add this
record?" popping up. This is consistent with the
operation of HyperLog prior to 2.0.
Added 8 "speed" keys to hold up to 30 character
Packet messages. Pressing the key combination will
result in the message being sent out to the TNC im-
mediately. The keys are ALT F3 through ALT F10 and
are "loaded" in the SETUP program. See the SETUP
program F1 help.
Added code to auto detect most Mars calls and skip
country lookup.
Automatically correct portable callsigns entered
Import now filters calls through SAM Database, if
HyperLog HyperLog
Enabled Spot window pop-up (F7), Send Spot (ALT F1),
and Packet Chimes on/off in full screen spot window.
2.02 03/03/92 - Now Allow frequency to be preloaded when
band is changed with Autopilot off.
Modified call lookup to allow database to find a
portable call as entered. Now entering VP5/KN4OW
will show the previous contact if it exists rather
than forceing the user to enter just KN4OW.
Modified report ALT U - #2, #1,#2, & #3 so that if
you select 0 for the mode, it now prints a single
report with all mode contacts totaled rather than a
printout for ALL modes.
Modified Merge aux file code to allow subdirectories
with a suffix (ie. C:\LOG\NEWLOG.QRU\).
Modified fast entry (F10) so country name is in-
serted in QTH field.
Added three Control C's to Packet startup to make
sure PK-232's are not in Host mode.
Allow AutoReport for Yaesu 1000, Kenwood and Icom
radios to be selectible on/off in SETUP.
2.01 03/03/92 - Now allow user to enter frequency below
10mhz using a leading 0.
Added more delay to timeout for reading radio data
to compensate for slow radios.
Added ability to send an "Escape" character to TNC
in full screen packet mode (Use the TAB key). Fixed
problem with PKT and AMT modes being changed by
Put back in the Bands Worked/Confirmed update after
Added documentation about "Deleted" countries and
how to change/edit them.
Put in code to strip portable designations out of
callsign when creating index key. This allows user
to look up and find a callsign even if it was
entered with a portable designator and you forgot
the designator. For instance, to find W4/AH8B,
simply type AH8B and all AH8B as well as XX/AH8B
HyperLog HyperLog
will be displayed. This was in versions prior to 2.0
but was accidently deleted in 2.0.
Standardized on ITU portable designation of prefix
first, followed by a slash (/), followed by callsign.
For example JA1/K4FWR would be the correct way to
enter K4FWR when he is portable in Japan. Versions
prior to 2.0 allowed JA1\K4FWR and K4FWR/JA1. These
will not be supported anymore. ALT U #5, when run,
will now modify contacts entered using the old
method to the new format.
Added ability to read frequency/mode/band on Yaesu
1000's with new rom continuously.
Modified shell to DOS code and Grayline call so any
previous packet spots are retained.
2.0 02/13/92 - Added PacketCluster/Packet Radio support,
a full screen database browser, a full screen
report browser, Yaesu 1000 new ROM support,
frequency set and mode set for all supported radios,
PacketCluster DX Spot announcement, automatic Packet-
Cluster DX Spot database query and notification,
completely new Database engine, much more robust
error checking, reduced memory requirements through
the use of overlays, "softened" the color of most
windows, added Windows and Deskview detection and
adaption, shell to DOS now releases all but about
25K of memory to allow running of any other
program, support for calling a GrayLine (or other)
program from within HyperLog, additional statistics
on QSL screen for DXCC and WAS, allows user to mark
countries as deleted - nondisplay, and others to
numerous to include here.
1.99.5 Added feature to read ICOM & Kenwood frequency/mode
continuously. Also will change radio frequency/mode
for Icom and Kenwood radio's when either is changed
in the program.
1.99 11/10/90 - Added New Brunswick and Prince Edward Is.
to the Canadian province list. These were over-
looked in the initial release.
Added Feet to Meter and Meter to Feet conversion
capability to the Temperature conversion, F5.
Added ability to abort a printout once started. If
you press any key while printing, a prompt will ask
you if you want to abort.
HyperLog HyperLog
Name, Remarks and both Address fields now accept
mixed case input rather than force all caps.
Added Yaesu 757 and 1000 to supported radios.
Added feature to "automatically" insert "59" or, if
using CW "599" in both the SENT and RECEIVED fields
by pressing the F9 key.
Added feature to allow you to increment/decrement
the date by pressing ALT + to increment and ALT - to
decrement. Obviously, this only works when Autopilot
is OFF.
1.98 10/01/90 - Expanded Net/RoundTable window to in-
clude Date and Time fields. The date and time are
entered automatically from the program clock.
Added the ability to printout the entries in the
Net/RoundTable window by pressing the F6 key. If the
printer is off, you will be offered the option to
print the list to a file.
Added option to SETUP to allow selection of FST or
AM modes. Contacts can be entered in one or the
other but NOT both modes.
Added option to enter a callsign to print in the
"Personalized for" block when printing out country
bearing/distance listings.
Modified call sign look-up to ONLY do a partial
match on three characters or less. This avoids the
problem of having, for instance, N0AT and N0ATW in
your database, entering N0AT and instead of ONLY
N0AT showing up in the previous contacts column,
N0AT AND N0ATW both show up.
Modified label printout to limit frequency listing
to three decimal places when frequencies below 10Mhz.
are printed.
Modified Call Sign look-up to allow MARS calls to be
entered without the country locator trying to assign
the MARS call to a country. Entering MARS calls
will allow them to be logged to the database but
they will not trigger any QSL or country data
HyperLog HyperLog
Modified QSL Sent column to allow a B, D, or M along
with a Y, N & L. These letters can be used to note
if a card is sent to the bureau, manager or direct.
Note: to print labels in batch mode, you still need
to use an L in this column to trigger the label
batch mode print procedure. The QSL Received column
still only takes a Y, N or blank.
Added ability to log Maritime Mobile contacts.
Modified the K1EA conversion program to handle
Sweepstakes data as allowed in the latest version.
Decreased the size of the country index to save
1.97 08/28/90 - Added "nosort" option for RoundTable.
Added SETUP option to select whether label pop-up
after contact entry occurs when a Y is entered
in QSL sent column. If you are not using labels,
this will allow you to eliminate this label prompt.
Changed Address/ Remarks field action to be consis-
tent with SETUP option. Now, if you select to NOT
have Address/Remarks pop-up automatically, they
won't no matter what the Autopilot setting. Before,
they would still pop-up if Autopilot was OFF.
Modified date printout on labels. Month now is
spelled out (ie JAN for January) rather than use
a number (ie. 01). This should eliminate confusion
as to what date format you are using when someone
receives a label. Along the same lines, the time is
now prefixed with UTC on the label IF you are using
UTC time for your log. If you are still using local
(for some esoteric reason) the time will continue
to be prefixed with the word TIME.
1.96 07/30/90 - Added code to read Band, Mode and Fre-
quency from all Icom radios, Ten-Tec Paragon, Ken-
wood 440, 940 950 and up and Heath SS9000 when
entering contacts.
Added code to save DOS screen and colors at startup
and restore same when program ends.
Added the ability to export an exact type image to a
Dbase III+ file that can be imported back into
HyperLog HyperLog
HyperLog. This will allow you to perhaps sort the
database in a particular way using Dbase III then,
after deleting your HYPERLOG.PBF master file, import
the sorted database back into HyperLog. See page 37
of this manual for details.
Added a temperature conversion pop-up window. It
Allows you to enter either Fahrenheit or Centigrade
and convert to the other one. No more guessing!
Press F5 to run.
Added the "F" keys to the F1 Help window. F1 through
F5 are now used for various functions.
Added window to ASCII Export feature to show pro-
gress as file is written to disk.
Added "comma" to ASCII export file after "Zone" that
was overlooked.
Added Country Prefix to end of both ASCII export
file and Dbase III+ export file.
Modified Dbase "image" import so the last two fields
are "character" fields rather than "numeric". This
was required to handle problems with Paradox exports.
Added Tab and Shift-Tab to move from field to field.
Page up, Page dn as well as CTL F and CTL A also
move the cursor from one field to another.
1.95 07/01/90 - Changed method of time keeping. HyperLog
now DOES NOT modify the computer clock. All time
changes are done in the program only.
Added the ability to print to a file. Now, when you
ask to print a report, if the printer is off or not
ready, a menu pops up and asks you to select from
several options in order to continue. One of the
options is to print to a file. If you select this
option, you will be prompted for a file name to
print to.
Added report to print out contacts you have sent
cards to but you have NOT received a card in return.
Modified the call sign evaluator so when an
unassigned prefix is encountered, it will auto-
matically pop open the ALT X window.
HyperLog HyperLog
1.94 06/01/90 - Added capability to display the database
in reverse order as entered. See page 37 for details.
1.93 05/05/90 - Added File export utility to write the
Hyperlog database to a Dbase III or ASCII file.
Added File import utility to read a Dbase III file
and convert it to HyperLog format. See Additional
Notes section on page 36 for specifics.
1.92 04/13/90 - Added command F3 to blank screen for RFI
problems. Pressing any key after blanking returns
1.91 03/16/90 - Added utility to allow merging auxiliary
files (typically) created on another machine, with
the master file.
Added Toggles to the Setup program to allow turning
Beep off/on and use fast windows instead of special
Changed printer test code due to problem with some
generic 386 machines.
Added report option to generate a print out of all
countries NEVER worked on any band.
Added code to better center printed headers.
1.90 03/06/90 - Initial Shareware release.
HyperLog HyperLog